Wheatland Regional Emergency Management Partnership

Logo of WREMP

The Wheatland Regional Emergency Management Partnership (WREMP) works to coordinate emergency prevention, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery in the Wheatland County area. The partnership includes Wheatland County, the Town of Strathmore, the Village of Hussar, the Village of Standard, the Village of Rockyford, and the City of Chestermere.

Help us with resource registration

The WREMP is encouraging individuals and organizations committed to the safety and well-being of their communities to register resources that could be used to help in a time of crisis. 

The WREMP invites submissions from qualified parties of various specialties to be included on a registered list for hired equipment, personal needs resources, and contractors for short-notice emergency services as required. During emergencies, the use of hired equipment and/or contact services may be essential; contractors will be called to provide various services.

If you are interested, please complete the Resource Registration form below and email it to firehall@Strathmore.ca.

Resource Registration Form 

Local governments interested in becoming a member of the Wheatland Regional Emergency Management Partnership have the ability to request membership. Please contact the WREMP Coordinator for more information on joining the partnership.

WREMP Coordinator Contact:
Sara Coutts
Emergency Management Coordinator

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