The Town of Strathmore’s Council has identified six areas which will receive focus during this Council’s term. These priorities are not listed in any particular order of importance or priority; however, were selected based on community feedback provided to Council as well as current service opportunities and challenges from Administration.

Strathmore is an affordable community for residents and businesses enabling access to housing, services, and supports.

Strathmore provides predictable and prudent tax rates and user fees that reduce overall Town debt, build financial reserves, maintain existing assets, and plan for sustainable growth.

Strathmore creates communities for its residents and with its neighbours (Siksika Nation, Wheatland County) and institutional partners, which promote sustainable and interdependent family friendly spaces.

Strathmore protects, manages, and enhances its local environment while preparing for future challenges due to climate change.

Strathmore is well-positioned to encourage commercial and industrial economic development with a focus on sustainable growth.

Strathmore values Community Wellness focused on the maintenance, protection, and improvement of services that support optimum lifestyles.
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