2024 Budget
2023 Budget
Accounting Dictionary
Understand the A, B, Cs of budget by reading through the terms and definitions in the Accounting Dictionary. The dictionary gives plain language explanations of the different terms you'll see when you read through the Town of Strathmore's financial documents.
Read the Accounting Dictionary here.
Financial Reserve Policy
The Financial Reserve Policy ensures that long-range financial planning, alongside robust asset management, will allow for effective reserves to meet the future infrastructure needs of Strathmore without significant financial burden to tax payers.
Read the Financial Reserve Policy 1817 here.
Capital Projects Prioritization Matrix
The Capital Projects Prioritization Matrix is a tool to assist with asset management. This tool will assist with the determining which capital projects could proceed and when. There are different categories and factors with weightings to create a priority ranking system for projects.
View the Capital Projects and Major Initiatives Prioritization Matrix here.
Budget Information
Each year, the approved budget details how money will be spent to provide essential services to residents in conjunction with Council's strategic priorities and vision. Revenue is primarily from municipal grants from the Province of Alberta and property taxes. The budget is divided between operating and capital expenses. The operating budget covers day to day expenses and employee salaries, as well as resources and utilities needed for daily operation. The capital budget accounts for developing and maintaining infrastructure and facilities across Town.
Learn how the Town of Strathmore invests your tax dollars
Budget Process
The Municipal Government Act states that a Municipal Council is to pass a budget for each year. Our budget process starts with resident and business feedback throughout the year, especially through our Citizen Satisfaction Survey. Fall workshops are used to further develop operational and capital project plans. Council provides direction and priorities to Administration for the financial planning. A three year operating and capital financial plan is presented to Council. From this financial plan a one year budget is adopted and approved by council.
Financial Reporting
Section 280 of the Municipal Government Act states that “Each council must appoint one or more auditors for the municipality”. Further, the Act requires the auditor to report to council on the annual financial statements. These financial statements are the responsibility of the municipal administration. The auditor’s responsibility is to express an opinion on the annual financial statements based on their audit. The Independent Auditors Report is on page one following the table of contents.
Audited Financial Statements by Year:
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