Nominations close: September 22, 2025 at noon
On this page:
- Overview
- Understanding the position
- Steps to become a candidate
- Additional information
- Frequently asked questions
In the 2025 Town of Strathmore Municipal Election, you can become a candidate for one of the following:
- Mayor
- Councillor
The Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) governs elections for Alberta’s local jurisdictions, including Strathmore Town Council. Prospective candidates should refer to the LAEA for complete details on the nomination process and obtain legal advice regarding the full extent of their obligations.
Serving in the level of government closest to the community is a fulfilling experience. Councillors represent the needs and aspirations of their communities, making significant decisions on their behalf.
If you are passionate about your local community then you already have what it takes to become a Councillor. There are no special qualifications to become a Councillor other than a desire and enthusiasm to serve your community. Generally, if you are eligible to vote in Strathmore’s municipal election, you are eligible to stand as a candidate for election to the council. You’ll benefit from the skills you develop – and you can learn most of these on the job.
Understanding the position
As a member of Council, you will have the opportunity to significantly influence the future of your community. All decisions must be made at meetings, held in public, at which a quorum is present.
As an individual member of Council, you will not have the power to commit the municipality to any expenditure or to direct the activities of municipal employees. Any promise you make as part of your election campaign that involves municipal expenditures or the activities of employees can only be carried out if a majority of Council votes in favor of the matter at a publicly held meeting.
The role of Council is to work together to set the overall direction of the municipality through their position as a policy maker. The policies that Council sets are the guidelines for Administration to follow as they perform the day-to-day operations of the Town.
If you are elected as a Councillor, you will be required to make a nearly four-year commitment to the community. Meetings, preparation time and public engagement can add up. Not everyone will share the same views, and that’s OK! You will need to balance individual constituent needs with those of the wider community, and sometimes make decisions that are not always popular.
To get a good idea of what it’s like to be a Councillor in Strathmore, consider speaking to a past or present local Councillor. Standing for council is a personal choice. Only you can understand your own circumstances and what the commitment means for you.
Government (Council) Determines the “what” |
Management (Administration) Determines the "how" |
The creation of a setting in which Administration can manage effectively. | The making of operating decisions by Administration. |
Strategic Plan development
Strategic Plan development
Approve Council policies | Implement policies (and development of procedures) |
Approve bylaws | Enforce bylaws |
Approve budget
Manage budget
Set direction | Provide information and recommendations |
The Municipal Government Act provides that every municipality shall have a Council, the members of which shall be elected in accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act. The Municipal Government Act provides for a broad spectrum of powers and duties for a Council and Councillors. The duties of Councillors include:
- to consider the welfare and interests of the Town as a whole and to bring to Council’s attention anything that would promote the welfare or interests of the Town;
- to promote an integrated and strategic approach to intermunicipal land use planning and service delivery with neighbouring municipalities;
- to participate generally in developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the Town;
- to participate in Council meetings and Council Committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which they are appointed by Council;
- to obtain information about the operation or administration of the municipality from the Town Manager (CAO) or their designate;
- to keep in confidence matters discussed in closed session (in-camera) at a Council or Council Committee meeting until discussed at a meeting held in public;
- to adhere to the Code of Conduct established by the Council;
- to perform any other duty or function imposed on Councillors by the MGA or any other enactment or by resolution of the Council.
Each year, at the organizational meeting, Councillors are appointed to various Standing Committees. Each Councillor is appointed Deputy Mayor for a period of approximately eight months (1/6 of a 4-year term) to fulfill the obligations of the Mayor in their absence, and to assist the Mayor as required. This schedule is set in the fall at the annual organizational meeting.
In addition to performing the duties of a Councillor, the Mayor also has the following duties:
- to preside when in attendance at a Council meeting;
- signs all bylaws, Council policies, and Council minutes that Council passes at a meeting in which they are presiding; as well as many contracts and agreements the Town enters into;
- to perform any other duty imposed on the Mayor by an enactment, bylaw, or resolution of Council; and
- typically, the Mayor is also the main spokesperson for the municipality.
For reference:
Steps to becoming a candidate
Step 1 - Check your eligibility
Who can be a candidate
You can be nominated as a candidate if you are:
- Eligible to vote in the election;
- A resident of Strathmore for the six months leading up to Nomination Day; and
- Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified under sections 22, 23 and 23.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act.
Who cannot be a candidate
You cannot be a candidate if you:
- Are an employee of the Office of the Ombudsman who has not taken a leave of absence before Nomination Day.
- Are an auditor of the local jurisdiction where you are running.
- Are an employee of The Town of Strathmore who is running for Council and who has not taken a leave of absence before Nomination Day.
- Are in default to The Town of Strathmore more than $50 in taxes in arrears (does not include current taxes or a consolidation agreement in good standing).
- Owe The Town of Strathmore $500 or more and in default for more than 90 days.
- Have been convicted of an offence in the last 10 years under the Local Authorities Election Act, the Election Act, the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act or the Canada Elections Act (federal).
- Have been convicted of an offense under Section 123, 124, or 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
- Are serving an ineligibility period due to your name appearing in a non-compliance report to Council.
- Accept or spend an anonymous or unauthorized contribution after submitting an intent to run notice.
Step 2 - Notice of intent to be nominated (if applicable)
Notice requirement
Individuals who intend to incur campaign expenses or receive campaign contributions in anticipation of being nominated as a candidate are required to file a notice.
Submit the notice in writing and include the following:
- full name, address, and contact information of the individual;
- address of the place or places where records of the individual are maintained;
- address of the place to which communications may be sent;
- names and addresses of the financial institutions where campaign contributions will be deposited; and
- names of the individuals with signing authority for each campaign account above.
The Town of Strathmore will confirm acceptance of all notices received.
Submit the notice of intent to be nominated
The notice of intent to be nominated can be submitted in one of the following ways:
Town of Strathmore
Attn: Johnathan Strathdee, Returning Officer
Box 2280,
1 Park Lane Dr.,
Strathmore, AB, T1P 1K2
In-person: Strathmore Municipal Building Office, 1 Park Lane Drive
Step 3 - File Nomination
Nomination requirements
The following items are required for your nomination to be complete:
- Form 4 Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance
- Form 5 Candidate Financial Information
- Candidate and Official Agent Contact Information Form
- Deposit payment
Election forms are also available on the Government of Alberta website
- Form 4 - Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance
- Form 5 - Candidate Financial Information
- Form 29 - Notice of Intent
Obtain the required number of signatures (form 4) |
Signed by a Commissioner of Oaths (form 4) |
Form 4 must be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths before you submit your nomination. Alternatively, it can be signed by the Returning Officer or designate when you file your nomination in person, by appointment. |
Candidate financial information (form 5) |
You are required to open a campaign account in your name or your campaign’s name at the time of nomination or as soon as possible after total campaign contributions exceed $1,000. Information required on the Form 5 includes:
Pay a deposit |
Every nomination form for a candidate for the position as a member of Council must be accompanied by a deposit of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00). The deposit can be paid by:
Personal cheques are not accepted. Do not send cash deposits in the mail.
Refunds* The deposit is refunded if you:
*More information to come. |
File nomination
Deadline: You must file your nomination on or before Nomination Day on September 22, 2025 at noon.
Another person may file the nomination on your behalf. However, you are responsible for ensuring the nomination is accurate and complete.
File your nomination (with completed forms and deposit payment) by mail, courier, or in-person appointment.
Mail or courier:
A certified cheque or money order payable to “The Town of Strathmore” will be accepted. Do not send cash deposits via mail or courier.
Canada Post regular and registered mail address:
Town of Strathmore
Attn: Johnathan Strathdee, Returning Officer
Box 2280,
1 Park Lane Dr.,
Strathmore, AB, T1P 1K2
Courier and deliveries address:
Town of Strathmore
Attn: Johnathan Strathdee, Returning Officer
Strathmore Municipal Building
1 Park Lane Dr.,
Strathmore, AB, T1P 1K2
In-person appointment:
Strathmore Municipal Building, 1 Park Lane Drive
Please email to arrange for an appointment date and time.
Additional information
Links to bylaws that may contain helpful information for candidates:
Municipal Election Bylaw No. 24-18
Election Signs Bylaw No. 24-19
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I’m eligible to run? |
Anyone considering running for office should confirm their eligibility as a first step. To be eligible, a prospective candidate must be:
It is a candidate’s responsibility to confirm eligibility before engaging in the nomination process. |
What is the time commitment? |
During your four year term as a Councillor, you will be required to attend many meetings and events which can be demanding on your time. These currently include (and are subject to change):
A Councillor must also spend time reading the agenda and preparing for meetings, as well as, speaking with members of the public, the Chief Administrative Officer, and other parties on issues related to the municipality. There may also be events promoting Strathmore where Council members receive invitations to attend. |
Is submitting a Notice of Intent to Run the same as submitting Nomination Forms? |
No. Submitting a Notice of Intent to Run is one step in the process and does not mean you have been nominated and will appear on the ballot. Once a prospective candidate’s Notice of Intent to Run submission is complete and they are added to the Register of Candidates, they can accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses. To become a nominated candidate and appear on the ballot, a candidate must complete the nomination process during the Nomination Period from January 1 to September 22, 2025. |
What is the register of candidates? |
The Register of Candidates is a record of all candidates who have given notice to the Town of Strathmore that they intend to seek nomination for office in the next general election, as required by the Local Authorities Election Act. |
Is a deposit required to file a Notice of Intent to Run? |
No, a deposit is not required when filing a Notice of Intent to Run. A deposit is only required when submitting form 4, Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance. |
When is a Disclosure Statement required to be filed? |
Candidates are required to file a disclosure statement with the Returning Officer, on or before March 1 of each year, if contributions were received in the previous year. If contributions are collected and/or expenses incurred in 2024, a disclosure statement must be filed on or before March 1, 2025. For contributions collected and expenses incurred in 2025, a disclosure statement must be filed on or before March 1, 2026. TIP: Make sure to keep complete and detailed records of your contributions and expenses. This will be important for completing your disclosure statement(s). |
What is mandatory orientation? |
The newly elected officials are required to attend mandatory Onboarding, Orientation, and Training sessions. Time commitments for these sessions may vary from one-hour to full days. A detailed training schedule will be provided to the newly elected officials. Prior to being sworn into office, each Councillor (including the Mayor), must attend orientation training on the role of municipalities in Alberta; municipal organization and function; roles and responsibilities of Council and Councillors, the Town's Code of Conduct; roles and responsibilities of the Town Manager (CAO) and staff; and meeting protocols. The orientation and training are in compliance with the mandatory post-election training requirements of Municipal Affairs and the Municipal Government Act. |
Is there a candidate forum? |
The Town of Strathmore does not fund or otherwise coordinate, administer, deliver, or advertise for candidates running in the municipal election. The Town of Strathmore focuses on all legislative and quality control requirements in administering the election, and remains entirely separate from campaign activities of interested candidates. However, you may see forums or debates put on by groups or organizations within the community. |
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