2019 Council Meetings


  December 18 - Council Meeting

- Council started with a presentation from Tyc who presented information on a sustainability initiative he developed with his younger brother to sell steel straws. Council accepted his presentation for information. More info at their Facebook Page.
- A motion to introduce prayer before council meetings was defeated.
- Council accepted the Cemetery Master Plan Update for information and asked administration to bring forward options in regards to a number of recommendations made within the report.
- Council gave first, second and third reading to Fees Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 19-13.
- Council adopted the updated Long Term Financial Plan as presented.
- Council adopted the 2020-2022 Capital and 2020 - 2024 Operating Budgets.
- Council gave first reading to Bylaw No. 19-20 Utilities Borrowing Bylaw.

 December 11 - Committee of the Whole

- Council heard about the signing of a new water distribution contract which has been developed between the Town and Epcor. Administration brought forward an amended agreement and recommended Council approve staff to move forward with the agreement. Council passed the motion and authorized the Mayor and CAO to sign the agreement.
- Council motion administration to draft changes to the bulk water bylaw, which would allow for a bulk water fee pilot project to be implemented.
- Council heard from Recreation on the topic of Hometown Hockey. An itinerary was presented with more information on activities.
- A quarterly report was presented on Community and Social Services. 
- An economic development report was provided to council.
- The Town’s Communication Department presented its Strategic Plan, which outlines future communications strategies.
- Council passed the motion that, at the request of the Western District Historical Society and Communities in Bloom, an area of Lambert Park be designated “The Station Garden at Lambert Park.” A sign will mark and commemorate the area

 December 10 - Special Council Meeting
 December 9 - Special Council Meeting
   December 4 - Council Meeting

Meeting Highlights:

- A Public Hearing for bylaw 19-16 was held and council considered the additional information that was requested regarding emissions. Bylaw 19-16 was passed. Additionally, Council introduced a motion to amend the community standards bylaw to include source testing
- A delegation was presented by the Chamber of Commerce, who invited Town Council to the Strathmore Hometown Hockey kickoff In Downtown Strathmore on Saturday the 21st. A pancake breakfast will be held and winners of the "Paint the Town Red" contest will be announced. The Chamber also invited Council to the Business Excellence Awards on January 31st.
- Council reviewed the report on the Family Centre Facility Enhancements. Council accepted the report for information.
- Council was also presented with the funding model for the Lakewood Meadows Pedestrian Bridge. Council moved to approve the funding model.
- Additionally, Council was presented with details about the Shallow Gas Tax Relief initiative. Council moved to support the Shallow Gas initiative.

   November 20 - Council Meeting

Meeting Highlights:

- Public hearings for rezoning bylaw 19-12 and 19-15 were held with no objection.
- Council passed bylaw 19-14
- Council was introduced to the new incoming RCMP Detachment Commander. Staff Sgt. Dale Morgan
- Council’s Christmas Open House is Dec 11th 3-6 in Council Chambers. Everyone is welcome to come out for the free refreshments and a visit with their council members.
- Strathmore handy bus is looking for new board members. If interested contact 403-934-3418.
- Council requested that Administration generate a report in regards to licensing Airbnb’s in Strathmore. 

  November 13 - Committee of the Whole
  November 6 - Council Meeting
 October 16 - Council Meeting
 October 9 - Committee of the Whole
October 2 - Council Meeting
 September 18 - Council Meeting
 September 11 - Committee of the Whole
 September 4 - Council Meeting
 July 17 - Council Meeting
July 10 - Committee of the Whole
  July 3 - Council Meeting
 June 19 - Council Meeting
 June 12 - Committee of the Whole
 June 5 - Council Meeting
 May 15 - Council Meeting
 May 8 - Committee of the Whole
 May 1 - Council Meeting
 April 17 - Council Meeting
  • Agenda
  • Video
  • Minutes - Quorum not met
 April 10 - Committee of the Whole
 April 3 - Council Meeting
 March 20 - Council Meeting
 March 13 - Committee of the Whole
 March 6 - Council Meeting
 February 20 - Council Meeting
 February 13 - Committee of the Whole
 February 6 - Council Meeting
 January 23 - Council Meeting
 January 16 - Committee of the Whole
 January 9 - Council Meeting

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