Water, Wastewater and Stormwater

The Town of Strathmore operates and manages the water, wastewater and storm water infrastructure systems.

Working with EPCOR, the City of Calgary, and the Western Irrigation District, the Town is committed to providing safe and clean water distribution, wastewater treatment and disposal and storm water collection and disposal.

Infrastructure Department

403-361-2108 / infrastructure@strathmore.ca

EPCOR 24hour Emergency Response Line


Utilities Department - 403-361-2101 / utilities@strathmore.ca - utility bill inquiry, bulk water and meters

Water Conservation Initiative and Updates

Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Property owners looking for information on cross-connection control / backflow prevention and commercial FOG services visit... Cross Connection Control & ICI Property.

See below for more contact information and emergency numbers.

waster supply and distribution
water treatment and disposal
stormwater and drainage
 Emergency Numbers
Gas ATCO Gas 1.800.511.3447 Report a gas leak online | Self Service | ATCO
Water or Sewer EPCOR 403.934.9440 Contact Us - Strathmore, Alberta (epcor.com)
Power FORTIS 310.WIRE (9473) Outage Map | FortisAlberta
Underground Utility Locates Utility Safety Partners 1.800.242.3447 Utility Safety Partners
Public Works, after hours Strathmore 403.899.1428 Operations Department - Town of Strathmore
Municipal Enforcement Strathmore 403.361.2112 Municipal Enforcement - Town of Strathmore
Fire Strathmore 911 / 403.934.3022 Strathmore Fire Department - Town of Strathmore
RCMP/Police Strathmore 911 / 403.934.3535 Strathmore detachment - Alberta (rcmp-grc.gc.ca)

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