Roads and Sidewalks

Guided by Strathmore's Council policies and Bylaws, the Public Works team manages the safe and effective use of over 160 kilometers of town-owned roadway, the sidewalk network and town-owned parking lots.

Connect with our team through our Citizen Communications Form

 Emergency / After Hours; 403-899-1428                               Public Works; 403-361-2126 /                      
Winter Road and Sidewalk Maintenance
The Town's mandate is to keep priority routes open and safe for the public. To learn more about snow clearing routes and prioritization, view the Winter Road, Pathway and Sidewalk Maintenance Policy and the Roadway Winter Maintenance priority map to learn more. 

The Town of Strathmore strives to provide a balanced level of winter road maintenance within operational and budget constraints. The Town is responsible for maintaining all publicly owned roads, parking lots, pathways and sidewalks directly adjacent to town owned property within the Town limits with the exception of provincially maintained highways.
Snow and ice control starts before a single snowflake hits the ground, and begins with weather monitoring and the spreading of snow and ice control products. Crews will begin plowing when snow has accumulated to 5cm on Priority 1 roads.
The Town establishes top priority as follows:
  • Arterial roads and Expressways
  • Emergency services access roads
  • School zones when in session
  • Any roadways where the RCMP or Fire Department request additional service for public safety or emergency access
Priority 1 roadways  shall  be  plowed  and  have  snow  and  ice  control  operations  concluded twenty-four (24) hours after the end of a storm event.  Roads will be plowed to remove snow as close to the road surface as possible. 

In Strathmore residents are responsible for removing ice and snow from walkways in front of their residence within 48 hours of the accumulation as per Bylaw 13-05. Read the full Bylaw here.

48 hours is the maximum, but you don’t have to wait this long! Clearing snow from walkway early makes it easier to move because you’ll get to it before it’s trampled down. You’ll also feel like a good neighbor as you won’t have to watch walkers and school children trudge through your snowy walkway.

It’s a good idea to shovel multiple times during heavy snowfall. Shoveling a heavy snowfall accumulation all at once can be hard on your body and may increase the amount of time you spend out in the cold. Ensure you always shovel snow onto your property and NOT onto the road. Shoveling snow onto roadways increases the accumulation that vehicles need to drive through or park in, especially on non-priority snow removal routes. Shoveling into the road also impedes the snow removal efforts of Town employees working to keep priority routes clear and safe for emergency vehicles.

Keep some paw safe salt or non-clumping kitty litter on hand to help deal with icy walkways. Clear any accumulated snow off your walkway before using salt for ice control. 

Helpful Snow Tips for Residents:
  • Shovel or snow blow sidewalk and driveway snow onto your property, not the road.
  • Residents are to clear windrows when necessary.
  • Keep storm drains and swales clear of snow, ice and debris to allow for optimum drainage.
  • Park your vehicle in your driveway to allow for snow clearing.
  • Maintain a safe distance from snow plows, graders and sanding trucks – stay back 10m.

The Town of Strathmore's Public Works Department works to clear public pathways and sidewalks on a priority basis. Sidewalks (in front of a residence) that aren't cleared within 48hrs after snowfall, can be reported to Municipal Enforcement via the Citizen Communication Form

Street Sweeping
Each year, the Town of Strathmore sweeps up tonnes of sand and debris from hundreds of kilometers of town roads. This helps to prevent that material from being washed into our storm drain system and keeps our roads and pathways clean. You may also notice our Parks team using their equipment to sweep grassy areas along various pathways and boulevards. This will improve the quality of the turf, reduce weeds, and help prevent our mowers from shooting rocks when cutting grass.
Follow the Town on social media and check back here to be kept up to date on seasonal scheduling of street sweeping.
Pathway and Sidewalk Lifecycle Program
A yearly budget plan to construct new pathway links to improve pedestrian movement and increase recreation opportunities. The work will also include a portion of the 30 year life cycle replacement program of existing pathways and sidewalks to manage deteriorating infrastructure. 
To inquire on future development, connect with our Infrastructure Services team at; 403-361-2108 /
Visit the Pathways Map to find a pathway near you.
Visit our Parks Department for information on Pathway Maintenance.
Pothole Repair, Crack Sealing and Road Patching
Road defects result from a combination of pavement fatigue and temperature fluctuation. The Public Works team conducts inspections and repairs throughout the year.
Cold weather pothole repairs use a modified cold-patch asphalt. The modified cold-patch displaces any moisture in the pothole, speeding up the repair process.
Warm weather pothole repairs use hot asphalt and compaction rollers to seal up shallow potholes and cracks in road pavement.
Report a road repair request using our Citizen Communications Form.
Roadway Line Painting
Working with the Infrastructure Services team, Public Works paints the Town's transportation network, which can include roads, pathways, crosswalks, parking lots and hydrant markings. This work typically starts after street sweeping is complete.
Traffic Control, Signs and Signals
The Public Works team maintains, renews and repairs Strathmore's vehicle and pedestrian traffic signals and signs.
Report a traffic signal and sign issue to our team at 403-361-2126 / operations@strathmore. ca / Citizen Communications Form.
Report a street light outage directly to FORTIS ALBERTA 
Traffic lights on the Trans Canada Highway 1 and Highway 817/Wheatland Trail are not owned or maintained by the Town. To report a problem or general inquiries, contact Volker Stevin Highways at 1-888-877-6237. Visit Volker Stevin Highways for more information. The exception to this is the pedestrian crosswalk on Wheatland Trail at the entrance to the Ag Society Grounds. These are maintained by the Town.
Rural Addressing Signs

The purpose of a rural addressing sign is to help emergency response agencies, such as police, fire, and ambulance, find your home quickly in times of emergency. 

Visit Municipal_Address_Signs_In_Rural_Areas ( for more information.

Once the initial sign has been installed, the property owner is responsible for maintenance and eventual replacement of the sign. Replacement signs can be made by sign making companies in Strathmore, Wheatland County and Calgary.

Trans Canada Highway 1 and Highway 817/Wheatland Trail
The Trans Canada Highway 1 and Highway 817/Wheatland Trail are not owned or maintained by the Town.
To report a problem or general inquiries, contact Volker Stevin Highways at 1-888-877-6237. Visit Volker Stevin Highways for more information.

 Visit the Roads Report page to be kept up to date on traffic interruptions


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