Plans, Reports, and Studies

There are a number of Provincial, Regional and Municipal plans that guide how the Town of Strathmore reviews and makes decisions on planning and development applications. These plans follow a hierarchy of importance. The lower plans must all adhere to the plan(s) above it in the hierarchy.

To supplement these plans, the Town has also conducted a few studies to help guide planning and development long term. 

The Municipal Government Act is one of the most significant statutes in Alberta. It guides municipalities in their operation and affects everyone in Alberta, from the private sector to the ministries in the Government of Alberta.

The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan is one of several Land Use Framework Regions throughout Alberta. The goal of which is to manage private and public lands in Alberta to balance economic, environmental, and social goals with a diversity of land-uses.

Through the Municipal Government Act, municipalities can guide development within their municipal limits through planning documents such as Municipal Development Plans (MDP), Area Structure Plans (ASP), Area Concept Plans (ACP) and Land Use Bylaws (LUB). Though these documents all guide development within the Town, they do it at different levels. The primary function of an MDP is to provide land use planning guidance over the longer term as it relates to the future growth and development of a municipality. MDP’s also typically describe a vision and establish goals, objectives and policies that are intended to provide guidance as it relates to land use planning, economic development, growth management and investment in municipal infrastructure and other related programs and services within a municipality. ASPs and ACPs establish policies for specific developments. They’ll outline the proposed land use districts, the roads, the greenspaces, how the development will be serviced and the order in which the area will be developed. The LUB contains the regulations for development. It details the different uses within each land use district, setbacks, height restrictions, façades, and other special requirements.

You can think about the different planning documents in terms of how you choose where you want to live. The Municipal Development Plan would represent City, Town or Hamlet you’d like to live in. Think about where you live now, what drew you there? Was it its proximity to other communities? The community facilities? The public transit? Its proximity to your work?

The Area Structure Plans and Area Concept Plans would represent the neighbourhood you’d like to live in. What are the things you love about your neighbourhood? Are they the playgrounds and green spaces? Is that your children can safely walk to and from school? Is it the corner store where you can grab the jug of milk you forgot to pick up from your grocery run?

The Land Use Bylaw would represent your house itself. What would you include on your must-have list you give to your realtor? Would it be the number of bedrooms? How large the yard is? Whether there’s a garage or not?


An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a long-term strategic growth plan between two or more municipalities that will guide future growth and development in the area, and address land use planning issues and opportunities.

Municipal Plans
Municipal Development Plan

The Town’s existing 2014 Municipal Development Plan was adopted by Council on April 16, 2014 when Bylaw #14-03 was enacted. Please be advised that the Town is also currently undertaking a comprehensive review of the Town’s existing MDP.

Area Structure Plans

*Development Applications prior to the requirement of ASPs

If you’re interested in amending any of the above ASPs, submitting a new one, or amending the MDP, you can click the links below to be directed to the correct page.

Land Use Bylaw

The Land Use Bylaw outlines the rules and regulations for development of land in Town, and guides the decision making process for development permit applications.

To review the existing Land Use Bylaw, apply to redesignate your parcel, or to propose a textual amendment, click here

Wetland Conservation, Master Servicing Studies, and Eligible Shrubs and Trees

Wetland Conservation

The Town of Strathmore established a Wetland Conservation Policy in 2007 and a Wetland Conservation Plan, which includes a wetland inventory, in 2004. You can view them below. 

Master Servicing Studies

The Town of Strathmore has Master Servicing Studies that work to meet the Town’s long-range utility and transportation goals while addressing the current needs.

Eligible Shrubs and Trees

Standards and Guidelines

The Town has adopted a series of Design and Construction Standards to help applicants provide us all the information we need for a thorough review of your application. To review these standards, please navigate over to the Infrastructure Section of our website.


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Contact Us

Town of Strathmore
Department Title
680 Westchester Road
Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J1
Phone: (403) 934-3133