Recreation and Culture Needs Assessment

Project Update: The household survey is now closed and the project team is busy analyzing the findings. A survey of groups delivering recreation and culture services is currently gathering responses and will close shortly. The project team is beginning to structure meetings with key members of the community. All research components will be completed in the next month and the Needs Assessment will be compiled.  

The Town of Strathmore is planning for the future of recreation and culture services!

A Needs Assessment is being developed that will help identify how the Town should direct its limited resources to support recreation and culture opportunities in Strathmore. While a needs assessment was completed as part of the 2020 Recreation and Culture Master Plan, a lot has changed in the last four years and the Town is seeking updated information to assist its planning. 

Recreation and culture services are key contributors to residents’ quality of life. High quality recreation opportunities are fundamentally important to create a vibrant community. Recreation and culture opportunities offer many benefits to communities and their residents, including addressing growing social and health concerns such as physical inactivity, increasing rates of chronic health problems, and social isolation. All residents, even those who do not participate, will benefit from the provision of these opportunities and services. Participation in recreation and culture opportunities has been proven to strengthen community connections and pride, provide economic impact to communities and has positive impacts on individual health and wellness.

Topics to be explored:

The Town is looking to gather greater understanding and insight into:

  • How you use and value recreation and culture services.
  • Amenity demands and needs - what would you like to see offered in Strathmore?
  • Barriers and challenges to participation - what's stopping you from participating in what is currently offered?

Engagement opportunities:

Residents will have two different opportunities to provide feedback to the Town about the recreation and cultural services you'd like to see offered. 

Community Group Survey

An online survey has been developed and sent to representatives of community organizations. This is an invitation-based input opportunity in which the contact list the Town has for community organizations has been utilized. Groups invited to participate are not for profit and volunteer organizations who deliver recreation and culture services and / or groups who use recreation and culture amenities in the provision of their services. If your organization didn’t receive an invitation to the survey, and you’re wanting share your thoughts on behalf of your organization, please email to request an invitation to the survey. This survey will remain open until November 8, 2024.

Got questions? Email!

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