This page is the landing page that will tell you everything you need to know about what's currently happening with the Town's MDP review. On this page, you will find information about the project phases, what's happening next, and how you can get involved.
MDP Project Phases | ||||||||||
The Town's 2024 MDP Review is a resumption of the Town's 2019-2020 MDP Review, which was placed on hold due to the global pandemic. Building upon the foundation that was built prior to the pause, the Town's 2024 MDP Review is anticipated to occur in three phases - beginning with a formal re-launch of the project and the release of a Draft MDP for consideration that will lead to the resumption of public engagement and ultimately the refinement and adoption of an updated MDP for the Town of Strathmore.
What's Next? | ||||||||||
We are currently in Phase 1: Re-launch & Draft. We have completed a Background Report to Council and a Public Engagement Strategy for the MDP Review Project.. We are working on the Draft MDP. Stay tuned for upcoming events! In the meantime, here is a list of key dates on the public engagement work we've done so far on the Town's MDP Review:
How To Get Involved | ||||||||||
There are many ways to participate and take part in the public engagement process. The input received from residents, businesses, and other interested parties and community stakeholders is integral to ensuring that the Town’s MDP provides a solid foundation for guiding future growth and development in the municipality. The Town's Public Engagement Strategy relies upon and has received copyright permission to use the International Association of Public Participation's (IAP2) Spectrum of Public Participation, which is an internationally-accepted standard to determining public engagement goals and how in this case different audiences can expect to be involved in the decision-making processes associated with the Town's MDP Review. See below in the 'Contact Us' box for the various ways you can get in touch! Want to schedule a meeting to speak with the project lead? Click here! |
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