FCSS/United Way Grant Funding

Strathmore Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) works closely with the United Way to provide funding to non-profit organizations that enhance the social well-being of individuals and families.

Premised on strengthening individuals, families, and the community, FCSS/United Way funded programs build knowledge, skills and healthy behaviours, improving quality of life and building capacity to prevent and deal with crisis situations should they arise. These activities are carried out under the authority of a joint municipal/provincial program regulated by the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Act of Alberta. The Town of Strathmore allocates this funding based on the needs of the community and evaluation criteria. 

We are pleased to announce the successful non-profit organizations and agencies that have been awarded funding through the Family & Community Support Service Grant Program for the year 2024.

Strathmore Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), in partnership with the Calgary United Way, are committed to promoting and enhancing the well-being of our residents and families. This funding contributes to programs aimed at helping local families and individuals adopt healthy lifestyles, enhance social well-being, and improve their overall quality of life by building capacity and preventing crisis situations. The outcomes supported by this funding include providing information and facilitating access to available social supports in the local community, developing skills for greater resilience, supporting the social development of children and families, aiding seniors in remaining connected to their communities, and promoting healthy relationship skills.

 The FCSS/ Calgary United Way funding assists in programs that are intended to help local families and individuals adopt healthy lifestyles, enhance social well-being and improve their quality of life through building capacity and to prevent crisis situations should they arise.

Examples of outcomes that Strathmore FCSS/ Calgary United Way funding is allocated for:
  • providing information and supporting access to available social supports in the local community.
  • developing the skills of individuals and families for greater resiliency, such as mentoring programs;
  • supporting the social development of children and their families;
  • supporting seniors to remain connected to their communities and providing home supports; and,
  • support people in developing skills to have healthy relationships with others. 

 Below is a list of the groups funded by Strathmore FCSS/Calgary United Way.

Funded by FCSS 

  • Christ the Redeemer
  • Growing Families
  • Hope Bridges Society
  • Strathmore Municipal Library

Funded by Calgary United way

  • 5 for Life
  • Accredited Supports to the Community
  • Addiction Resource Coalition
  • Junior Achievement
  • Roots of Empathy
  • Project Hope Foundation
  • Wheatland Society of Arts

Second Round of Funding: OPEN 

We are pleased to announce that a second round of funding will be available from July 1st to July 31st, 2024, specifically for new applicants. This funding opportunity is part of our ongoing partnership with the Calgary United Way to support non-profit organizations dedicated to enhancing the social well-being of individuals and families in Strathmore. Applicants are required to submit a Letter of Intent by July 31st, as the initial step in the application process. This initiative aims to strengthen our community by promoting healthy lifestyles, enhancing social well-being, and building resilience among residents. We encourage eligible organizations to apply and look forward to receiving your submissions.

Wondering if you qualify for FCSS/United Way Grant Funding?

To apply for funding, please complete the application form and submit the required documents to fcss@strathmore.ca.

You can download the application form HERE.

 Applicants must be eligible under the Family and Community Support Services Act and Regulation as well as the United Way Funding Agreement. Preference will be given to not-for-profit organizations registered under the Societies Act that:
  • sustain people as active participants in the community
  • help people to develop independence, strengthen coping skills and become more resistant to crisis
  • help people to develop an awareness of social needs
  • help people to develop interpersonal and group skills which enhance constructive relationships among people
  • help people and communities to assume responsibility for decisions and actions which affect them and or others
  • provide supports that help sustain people as active participants in the community
 Applications for funding will not be given to the following:
  •  For-profit organizations
  • Non-registered charities
  • Public health transportation;
  • Direct assistance, including money, food, clothing or shelter, to sustain an individual or family;
  • Rehabilitation;
  • Hospitals;
  • Political parties;
  • Religious activities;
  • Capital expenses;
  • Deficit funding;or
  • Duplication of services provided by other government agencies.
 Grants cannot be used for services that:
  •  provide primarily for the recreational needs or leisure time pursuits of individuals
  • offer direct assistance, including money, food, clothing or shelter, to sustain an individual or family 
  • are primarily rehabilitative in nature, or
  • are ordinarily provided by a government or government agency            
 What is the application process for Strathmore FCSS? 
The application process has two parts: a Letter of Intent (LOI) and full Application. The purpose of the LOI is to check that your program meets basic FCSS eligibility requirements and allows the Strathmore FCSS team/Advisory Board to discuss any major concerns with you before you submit a full Application. The full Application, usually due about one month after the LOI deadline, includes some components of the LOI (which you may edit and overwrite) and some more in-depth questions. Funding assessments are based on the Application.
 Can my agency apply for funding for more than one program? 
Yes, your agency may apply for funding for more than one program in a given application period. If you are considering this, Strathmore FCSS recommends you consider the distinct need, goals, strategies, and rationale of each program. In general, a program appears stronger if it focuses on a single goal, target population and strategy, rather than two or more of these elements. Each program must meet the basic eligibility requirements and have a prevention focus.
 Does Strathmore FCSS have funding priorities? 
Yes! First, programs must have a prevention focus, by supporting individuals, families, or communities in achieving social well-being and preventing social problems at the earliest opportunity. In addition, Strathmore FCSS focuses its prevention work in three priority areas:
  • Social inclusion for socially vulnerable populations
  • Positive child and youth development, and
Capacity to meet needs In the application, you are asked to describe how your program aligns with one of these priority areas and one strategy within that priority area.
 Does Strathmore FCSS require us to collect data from our program clients?
Yes, as part of the agreement between the province and municipalities and the United Way of Calgary and Area, Strathmore FCSS must collect and report data from all the programs it funds. The Province and United Way of Calgary and Area are seeking positive change from clients that suggest that the program is achieving its goal to improve the well-being of individuals, families or the community. 

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