Snow Angels Program


What is the Snow Angels Program? 

Strathmore is an active community where we celebrate and embrace living in a cold climate. Keeping our sidewalks free of snow and ice is critical in keeping town residents moving safely and enjoying winter.  But, shoveling can be difficult, and even dangerous, for many citizens -- especially those with limited mobility or certain health conditions.

The Snow Angels Program aims to encourage neighbours to help one another and thereby build a caring, engaged community. Residents in need of snow removal have "Snow Angels" signs placed in their yards.

 Who is eligible to have a Snow Angels sign?


Residents who need assistance removing snow are eligible. The Snow Angels Program relies on the good will of neighbourhood volunteers. Placement of a Snow Angels is not a guarantee that snow will be removed.

Sign Up

For more information and to request a sign, connect with the Strathmore's Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) at 403-934-9090

 Who are Snow Angels? 

Snow Angels are citizens; youth, seniors, families, community groups, and corporate, who voluntarily shovel snow for residents needing snow removal assistance. Snow Angels do not have to sign up, just grab a shovel and help!

Safety Tips for Volunteers 

Shoveling snow is a very strenuous activity.  Prevention of injury or exhaustion is extremely important, click the following links for some shoveling safety tips:

 Map of households that need Snow Angels.

Properties participating in the Snow Angels Program are marked with snowflake symbols, and their addresses are labeled for easy identification.

Click Snow Angels Program to view map.

Please note that cleaning the sidewalk is still the responsibility of the property owner. Even if you a part of the Snow Angels Program, your sidewalks must be cleared 48hrs after snowfall. View the Residential Community Standards Bylaw for more information.

Contact Us

Town of Strathmore
General Information
680 Westchester Road
Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J1
Phone: (403) 934-3133