Waste Collection Services

The Town of Strathmore provides residential waste collection and disposal services to over 4,500 properties. Services include household garbage, organic and heavy item garbage (HIG) collection and the recycling facility.

Follow our social media channels, review your utility bill insert, and visit this page often to stay up to date on waste collection services.  


Report Missed Collection and General InquiresReport Damaged or Missing Carts
Report a problem through our Citizen Communications Form
On waste collection day, set carts out by 7:00am and remove by 11:00pm.      
May to October: Regular Waste Collection; black and green cart collected weekly
November to April: Biweekly Organic Waste Collection; black cart collected weekly and green cart collected biweekly

2025 Waste Collection Schedule

Waste Collection Route Map

Use this map to find out what day is your garbage collection - Garbage Pickup Look-up

Holiday Collection Schedule and Christmas Tree Collection Week


Collection Day
Christmas Day - Thursday, December 25, 2025 Monday, December 22
New Year’s Day - Thursday, January 1, 2026 Monday, December 29

Christmas Tree Collection Week

Collection occurs the 3rd week of January.

Place your real, undecorate tree at your regular collection location by 7:00am Monday, the week of collection.

HIG, Trash to Treasure and Free Compost Programs

Heavy Item Garbage (HIG) and Trash to Treasure

HIG collection occurs the 3rd week of April and September and Trash to treasure starts the week before HIG.


Trash to TreasureHIG

April 10 to 13

April 14 to 18

September 11 to 14

September 15 to 19

Visit the HIG page for more information

Free Compost

May 1 to October 31 - the recycling facility provides up to 10 gallons of finished compost per resident.

Visit the Composting Page for more information


Utilizing black and green rollout carts, Strathmore encourages landfill waste diversion and creates efficiencies within our waste collection services.

What Goes in the Cart?

Black Cart / Solid Waste - acceptable items

Household waste at the end of their useful life that is not compostable or recyclable.

This list can be changed at the discretion of the Town.

Green Cart / Organic Waste - acceptable items

Household organic/compostable waste that is not recyclable and should not go to the landfill.

This list can be changed at the discretion of the Town.

Many items that are not acceptable in the carts can be properly disposed of at the Recycling Facility or collected during our HIG Program.

Get the most out of Garbage Collection


  • Place carts out for collection by 7:00 am on collection day.
  • Place carts at least 1m (3.3f) away from objects to the rear or side and 3m (9.8f) from above.
  • Place the handles of the cart to face your home to allow the collector to lift and dump the carts contents.
  • Trim any overhanging branches to provide a safe path for collection of the carts.
  • Return carts to storage location by 11:00pm on the day of collection.
  • Layer between wet and dry organics, in the green cart, with newspaper, cardboard or paper towel.
  • Keep carts safe, and clean.
  • Report when a cart needs to be repaired, replaced or is missing.
  • Overfill carts so the lid does not close.  
  • Nestle carts between objects such as vehicles.
  • Overfill the cart. Weight restrictions for the large green and black carts is 100 kg (220lbs) and the small green cart is 50 kg (110lbs).
  • Obstruct the street, sidewalk or alley with cart.
  • Block collection routes on collection days with vehicles and trailers. 
  • Include hot material or materials that will restrict items from falling freely during tippage.
  • Pack material in the green cart without layering.
  • Place unacceptable items in either cart.
  • Remove the cart from the property it is assigned to.
  • Use other carts that do not belong to your place of residence.
  • Place excess bags, without tags, out for collection.
Extra Bags Tags
Extra bags of garbage and organics must be tagged and placed at your collection point for pick up.
  • Bags without tags will not be collected.
  • Recommended maximum of 3 extra bags per household per week.
  • Bags must be securely tied and not in excess of 20 kilograms (44 pounds).
  • Organics must be placed in a certified organic bag.
Extra bag tags can be purchased at the Strathmore Municipal Building, 1 Parklane Drive or 403.934.3133

 In winter months, residents are remined to;

  • layer organics in the green cart with paper products (IE. newspaper, food boxes or paper towels) to reduce material from becoming stuck
  • Clean an area around the carts, at the collection location, of snow and do not place the carts behind or on top of snow banks
  • Clear the lid of snow and ice so the lid opens during collection 
Layering Organics
  • Layering between wet and dry materials keeps waste from getting stuck in the cart and helps to reduce odors. To layer the cart line the bottom with newspaper, cardboard or paper towel (shredded paper cannot be used). Then alternate between wet waste like kitchen scraps and grass clippings, and dry waste like newspaper or leaves. 
  • Large amounts of grass clippings can become stuck in the cart, especially when damp. Place small amount of grass clippings in your cart, layer with dryer materials or give the grass time to dry out.  
  • Keep organics light and fluffy! Avoid packing down contents in your cart. Materials may become stuck in the cart, and the truck may not be able to fully empty it. If items are stuck, it is up to the resident to loosen them and put the cart out for the next pick up date.

Cart Placement and Storage

When carts are placed properly for pickup, the automated collection system makes curbside service efficient and cost-effective.