Strathmore's New Economic Development and Investment Officer

Stathmore Economic Development Officer Angela

Making life better for people. It’s a simple objective and one that’s at the very core of what the Town aims to deliver. For us to achieve this objective, a robust and resilient economy is critical. 

One of Council’s six Strategic Priorities is to ensure Strathmore is well-positioned to encourage commercial and industrial economic development with a focus on sustainable growth. That’s where Economic Development comes in… and Angela Groeneveld.

We sat down with Angela, Strathmore’s new Economic Development and Investment Attraction Officer to learn more about who she is and what she brings to the team!

1. Who is Angela and what made you choose Strathmore?

I am a hardworking motivated Economic Development professional with loads of initiative, enthusiasm, education, and experience. My passion is in identifying and seizing opportunities for small businesses to increase their performance in rural communities. 

As an entrepreneur, I have an extensive history of running small businesses and generating results in rural Alberta and British Columbia. 

My passion is rural communities. I feel Strathmore has an opportunity to be Alberta's best kept secret for quality of life living and I want to help bring this to fruition. I love the Strathmore business community and see so much potential for them to all work together and support one another.

2. How did you get into the field of Economic Development?

After 20 years of entrepreneurship, I shifted career paths and served as a Business Analyst with Community Futures, a federally funded Government organization serving rural business communities throughout Canada. I provided lending advice, coaching, and training for start-up and expanding small and medium-sized enterprises within targeted industry clusters. This newfound love of working for local government and serving our business communities opened many opportunities for me. 

3. What are you happiest doing, when you’re not working?

I’m happiest playing in nature - especially with dogs and horses

4. What are you surprisingly good at?

I have a gift of working with others. It’s why I do business and personal coaching. 

5. What are some causes you care about?

Fundraising for those in need. After the flooding of Southern Alberta in 2013, I was contracted by the Town of High River to lead economic recovery as the Business Renewal Officer. My focus was to connect resources and create an environment to help local businesses recover and rebuild after the devastating effects of the floods. I managed a portfolio of $7 million and built the first in Canada temporary business park. I lead the economic strategic plan from rfp to execution and won the award of Business Investment Attraction from that strategy. 

6. What are the values that drive you?

I have a few but Integrity is definitely my priority value.

7. What do you think are the best skills that you bring to the job?

My relationship skills are my best asset. It’s why people like to work with me. I have an abundance of experience in Economic Development, municipal operations, creating/sustaining business ecosystems and many roles of management. I thrive in diverse fast paced environments. My Strategic work is “Big Picture” thinking with accountability shown in deliverables through strong measurable outcomes. 

8. What are your top 3 favorite Podcasts/Books?

I have so many and no favorites. I love to learn deeper meaning in emotional intelligence. I’m currently writing a book called Fear to Faith to Fly.

9. Last question! What are your archetypes?

47% Caregiver, 29% Visionary, 24% Spiritual
(do you match Angela? Find your archetypes here:

Welcome to Strathmore, Angela! If you’d like to get in touch with Strathmore’s new Economic Development and Investment Attraction Officer you can send her an email at 

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