Town of Strathmore increases environmental protections inline with Strategic Plan.
Council approves construction of permanent snow disposal facility.
STRATHMORE, ALBERTA | July 27, 2023 – The Town of Strathmore is taking meaningful steps to safeguard the environment. Council has approved the construction of a permanent “snow dump” and access roadway to be constructed in the Pivot Fields, east of Range Road 251. Construction will begin immediately, with the project anticipated to be completed well in advance of the coming winter season.
The snow dump will serve as a permanent, long-term solution for the snow and ice removed from Strathmore’s roads during the winter months. Snow melt contains salts and other contaminants are harmful to the environment. The berm will contain contaminants effectively, until they can be disposed of properly.
“We experienced an abnormal and challenging winter this past season. We realized that our current snow dump didn’t have the structural capacity to meet the needs of the community moving forward – especially if we continue to see conditions like we did last season. The newly designed snow dump will protect the environment from meltwater contaminants for decades to come,” said Donna McCallum, Operations Manager.
Aligning with Town of Strathmore Council’s Strategic Plan, constructing a snow dump is a significant contribution to Environmental Sustainability.
“This is a simple and meaningful way to show we are environmental stewards,” said Mayor Pat Fule. “All kinds of contaminants end up on winter roads, this step ensures those contaminants don’t make it back into the environment.”
The snow dump was designed by Town of Strathmore administration and meets the regulations of the Alberta Environment and Protected Areas “Snow Disposal Guidelines” for the Province of Alberta. The total project cost is projected to be $90,000, with the funds coming from the Financial Stabilization Reserve. Regular maintenance costs will fall under the existing operating budget.
About Strathmore, Alberta
The Town of Strathmore is a growing community in Southern Alberta. Ongoing investments in solar energy, agriculture, manufacturing, and real estate are attracted to the region’s skilled workforce, competitive taxes, and high quality of life.
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