Business Licenses
A valid business license is required for every business operating within or partly within the Town. You may be required to obtain other permits prior to obtaining a business license. Business licenses are valid for the calendar year of the application date. After July 1, any new applications for Residential Business Licenses will be pro-rated to half (50%) of the yearly fee. Invoices are mailed out within the first 2 weeks of December. Fees are due and payable by the last week in January of the current calendar year.
If you are no longer operating a business within the Town of Strathmore, it is your responsibility to either contact the Town, or to sign at the bottom of your invoice, verifying that you are no longer operating a business. Closed businesses will not be invoiced.
The Town recently updated their Business License Bylaw and integrated some unique approaches to encourage local business. The age limit for youth business licenses was raised to 25; there’s now a 6-month fee waiver for new businesses; contractor fees are simplified; there is preferential pricing for Residents of Strathmore, Siksika, and Wheatland County who operate a business within Strathmore; and businesses who have obtained a business license for at least 25 consecutive years are able to apply for a fee waiver.
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Other Approvals
- Development Permit
- Building Permit
- Fire Inspection
- Health Inspection
- Food Services
- Personal Services
- Prepaid Contract License
- Prepayment required for contract services
- Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council (AMVIC) Approval
- Auto-body or vehicles sales
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